5 Signs You Should Visit the Eye Doctor

Ideally, your annual eye exam is enough to cover your eye health. However, there are several tell-tale signs that your eyes require extra—and immediate— attention. Here are five signs you should visit the eye doctor:   1. Eye pain It’s never a good idea to put up with painful eye symptoms. There are many causesContinue reading “5 Signs You Should Visit the Eye Doctor”

Do I Need to Wear Sunglasses in the Winter?

As the days get colder—and shorter—a common question comes to mind: do I need to wear sunglasses in the winter?    Although you may feel less heat from the sun during the winter months, don’t be fooled: your sunglasses are just as important on chilly winter days as they are during the summer.    HereContinue reading “Do I Need to Wear Sunglasses in the Winter?”

Blue Light and Your Eyes—Should You Be Worried?

Few of us know about the adverse effects of blue light. Let’s start by defining blue light.   What is Blue Light?  The sunlight is formed by red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet light rays among several shades of these colors which, when combined, form the “white light” that we see. Each ofContinue reading “Blue Light and Your Eyes—Should You Be Worried?”